So much has changed in the publishing world today, you may want to support your friend who has published a book, but you may not know how. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Buy or rent their book. This one is pretty obvious. You can ask for a book in your local bookstore, in your local library, or you can purchase it online. Most stores and libraries will purchase a book if they have a reader who is interested in it.
  2. Buy book bundles. If you’re thinking of buying books other than mine, buy my novel with other books (together). When you buy books together—especially if they’re in the same genre—it helps all the books you purchase  appear on “also bought” lists, which increases visibility across the retailer’s website.
  3. Want to Keep It Local? Your Indie and/or brick-and-mortar bookstore might not carry the book of your favorite author, but they can get it for you. By requesting the book and showing interest, you help create demand for the book, which can help get it in the hands of new readers.
  4. Want an E-book? If you’re looking for the e-book version, many bookstores partner with places like Kobo Books to offer you the widest selection possible. And of course there’s Amazon.
  5. Request Shores and other friends’ books at your local library. Libraries usually have the access to the same wholesalers that indie bookstores do.
  6. Leave an honest review. Reviews help other readers find new books! If you’re a frequent reader, you could even consider starting your own book blog, where you post reviews, or book club, where you start conversations. I leave it up to you to find the link to your favorite sales and/or review site, but if you don’t know how to post a review, contact me and I’ll walk you through it…for me or other authors. And if you want a site that doesn’t sell books at all, try or
  7. Come celebrate with them. Attend a live or social event. Bring a friend. At events, you can get your book signed or purchase a copy. If it’s my event, feel free to ask questions. Try to stump me. If I don’t have an answer, I’ll get one for you. You may think a publisher or publicist or bookstore finds and invites people who automatically attend readings and signings, but you’d be wrong. These days authors need to get people to show up.
  8. Share their book. You can buy a new one to give as a gift, or you can lend it, or you can donate it. My message is more important to me than sales (though thank you if you’re purchasing Shores!) If you like my book, please let your friends know on social media or elsewhere! So many of you have already done this with photos of my cover in your homes! Thank you!

We authors love to write and tell stories. We don’t mind promoting our own books, but if you love a book, pass the word on. I’m not asking you to do all (or any) this, but I think you need to know what would assist if you’re thinking of assisting. We writers ALL thank you from the bottom of our creative hearts!

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